KADPOLY Cut Off Mark 2025/2026 is Out for All Courses

Courses Offered in KADPOLY 2025/2026 | Full List

KADPOLY Cut Off Mark 2025/2026 is Out – Kaduna Polytechnic JAMB cut off mark and departmental cut off marks for all courses for 2025/2026 academic session has been released.

Kaduna Polytechnic 1956 is one of the best polytechnic in Nigeria. It offers education in engineering, sciences, business and more. The school is known for its serious academic environment where students can focus on learning and skill building.

The polytechnic has produced many outstanding graduates who have made their marks in different fields.

Notable alumni are Dr. Babangida Aliyu former Niger State Governor and Hadiza Bala Usman former Managing Director of Nigerian Ports Authority.

Kaduna Polytechnic campus is well planned and encourages learning, innovation and discipline. With a history of excellence the school is shaping future leaders.

Kaduna Polytechnic (KADPOLY) is one of the best in Nigeria for National Diploma (ND) and Nigeria Certificate in Education (NCE) programmes.

To help you plan your studies, you need to know the cut-off marks.

This post will guide you through all you need to know about KADPOLY cut-off marks for 2025/2026 academic session.

As at now, KADPOLY has not released the cut-off marks for this year. But we will base our information on the past trends so you can still have an idea of what to expect.

KADPOLY has different cut off marks for both undergraduate and postgraduate courses.

In this article, we will list all KADPOLY courses along with their respective cut off marks and explain how KADPOLY determines its marks.

What is KADPOLY Cut Off Mark?

KADPOLY Cut Off Mark

Kaduna Polytechnic, KADPOLY cut off mark is the minimum score you need to score in the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) and Post UTME (if any) to be qualified to study the course you have chosen.

Also, note that the cut-off mark is divided into three: merit, catchment and ELDS.

KADPOLY JAMB Cut Off Mark for All Courses

Every year, KADPOLY sets a cut-off mark for students seeking admission and it’s based on JAMB examination scores. As at now, the cut-off mark for 2025/2026 session has not been released but we can estimate based on past years. The minimum JAMB cut-off mark for KADPOLY is 100.

This cut-off applies to:

  • National Diploma (ND) Students
  • Nigeria Certificate in Education (NCE) Students
  • Degree Programmes through KADPOLY’s affiliation with universities like FUTMINNA and ABU Zaria.

So, as an aspirant, your target should be 100 in JAMB. But if you want to be considered for more competitive courses, scoring higher is always better.

Next, we will go deeper into the expected JAMB cut-off marks for each programme.

KADPOLY Cut Off Mark for National Diploma (ND) Programmes

For National Diploma (ND) programmes at KADPOLY, the expected JAMB cut-off mark is 100 and above. Many applicants prefer the ND programmes because it’s a stepping stone to a career. Here are ND courses where you can score above 100 in JAMB to increase your chances of admission:

  • Accountancy
  • Agricultural and Bio-Environmental Engineering Technology
  • Agricultural Technology
  • Architectural Technology
  • Banking and Finance
  • Business Administration and Management
  • Chemical Engineering Technology
  • Civil Engineering Technology
  • Computer Science
  • Electrical/Electronic Engineering Technology
  • Estate Management and Valuation
  • Food Technology
  • Hospitality Management
  • Industrial Safety and Environmental Engineering Technology
  • Mass Communication
  • Mechanical Engineering Technology
  • Nutrition and Dietetics
  • Office Technology and Management
  • Public Administration
  • Science Laboratory Technology
  • Surveying and Geo-Informatics
  • Textiles Technology

Here are a few of the courses. To be admitted, you should score at least 100 in JAMB but some courses may require higher scores due to high competition.

KADPOLY Cut Off Mark for NCE Programmes

If you want to apply for Nigeria Certificate in Education (NCE) programme, you need to meet the cut-off mark. For NCE programmes, KADPOLY cut off mark is 100. Here are the programmes for NCE

  • Special Needs Education
  • Technical Education

These programmes have the same cut off as the National Diploma programmes and once you score 100 in JAMB you can apply.

KADPOLY Cut Off Mark for Degree Programmes in Affiliation with FUTMINNA

Kaduna Polytechnic also offers degree programmes in affiliation with the Federal University of Technology Minna (FUTMINNA). For these degree programmes, the cut off mark is higher. Based on previous trends, it is safe to assume the required JAMB score is 160 and above. Here are the programmes:

  • Cartography and Geographic Information Systems
  • Industrial Education Technology
  • Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
  • Psychosocial Rehabilitation

Score at least 160 in JAMB to apply for these degree programmes. Higher score gives you more chance of being admitted.

KADPOLY Cut Off Mark for Degree Programmes in Affiliation with ABU Zaria

KADPOLY also offers degree programmes in affiliation with Ahmadu Bello University Zaria (ABU Zaria). These degree programmes are for students who want to study higher courses after completing National Diploma programme. For these programmes, JAMB cut off mark is 180 and above. Here are the programmes:

  • Architecture
  • Building
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Civil Engineering
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Urban and Regional Planning

Score 180 and above in JAMB to apply for KADPOLY degree programmes under ABU Zaria affiliation. You can score higher to make your application stronger.

KADPOLY Departmental Cut Off Mark

While KADPOLY general cut off mark will give you an idea of what to aim for, you also need to consider departmental cut off mark. Departmental cut off mark is specific to the courses or departments you are applying to. It may be higher than the general JAMB cut off.

For example, competitive courses like Engineering or Architecture will have higher departmental cut off mark, while less competitive courses will have lower departmental mark.

After you take the JAMB exam, you will participate in the post-UTME screening. Post-UTME exam result will be combined with your JAMB score to see if you meet the departmental cut off mark for your chosen course.

Each department has its own criteria based on the number of candidates, available space and the popularity of the programme. That’s why you need to choose your course wisely if you want to maximize your chances of being admitted.

How To Boost Your Chances of Being Admitted to KADPOLY

While meeting the JAMB cut off mark is the first step, you can do more to increase your chances:

  • Aim for higher JAMB score: Higher score gives you more opportunities especially for competitive programmes.
  • Prepare well for post-UTME screening: Your performance in post-UTME also matters in your admission chances.
  • Choose less competitive courses: If you score on the lower end of the JAMB cut off, it’s better to choose a programme that’s not competitive. This way you can increase your chances of being admitted.
  • Stay informed on deadlines and news: Keep checking KADPOLY website for updates on cut off mark, application deadline and other important information.

If you can, start early. The more you know and prepare the better.


To get admitted to Kaduna Polytechnic (KADPOLY), all you need is to meet JAMB cut off mark and departmental cut off mark for your chosen course. Whether ND, NCE or degree programme, just do your best in your exams and preparation.

Not yet released for 2025/2026, but use this as a guide. Just aim high, prepare well for post-UTME and stay informed.

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