UNIABUJA Admission List for 2024/2025 is Out | How to Check

Is UNIABUJA admission list out? When will UNIABUJA release admission list? How do I check University of Abuja admission list? How do I print UNIABUJA admission letter? If you have any of these frequently  questions above then continue reading, as this article covers all the information you need regarding University of Abuja (UNIABUJA) admission list.

The University of Abuja (UNIABUJA) was founded on January 1, 1988, as a dual-mode institution with the responsibility to offer both traditional and distant learning academic programs. It was the first university in the country to take on such a dual mandate at its start.

The university now contains nine faculties, including the College of Health Sciences, a School of Remedial Studies, a Centre for Distance Learning, an Institute of Education, and a School of Postgraduate Studies, among others.

The drop-down menu highlights all of the existing programs, centers, and institutes. Their mission is to create a higher education institution that blends academic achievement with the goal of promoting Nigerian unity.

How To Check UNIABUJA Admission List on School Portal

Checking your admission status on UNIABUJA portal is very easy. Follow these simple steps to confirm if you have been offered admission:

  1. Open your browser and go to University of Abuja admission portal: https://portal.uniabuja.edu.ng.
  2. Click on Admission List on the home page.
  3. You will be directed to login page.
  4. Enter your JAMB registration number in the first box.
  5. Enter your surname in lowercase in the second box.
  6. Click Login after filling the details.
  7. Once logged in, go to Admission Status.
  8. Click Check Admission Status to see if you have been admitted.
  9. If your name is on the list, great!
  10. If not, wait for the next list or contact the admission office for more information.
  11. For help, reach out to UNIABUJA support team through their official contact.
  12. Visit the admission portal regularly for new lists or updates.
  13. Ensure you enter your personal details correctly especially your JAMB registration number and surname to avoid login issues.
  14. If you can’t access the portal, try using a different browser or device.
  15. Keep your login details safe and do not share them with anyone you do not trust.

How To Check UNIABUJA Admission List on JAMB Portal

One of the ways you can check if University of Abuja has offered you admission is on JAMB portal. So, to check UNIABUJA admission status on JAMB CAPS Portal, follow the steps below:

  1. Go https://efacility.jamb.gov.ng/.
  2. Login to your Jamb profile with your username and password.
  3. Scroll down then click the “Check Admission Status” tab.
  4. Then click on Admission Status
  5. Select your examination year
  6. Enter your JAMB registration number
  7. Then click “Check admission status” to see if you have been offered admission by University of Abuja (UNIABUJA)
  8. You will either see admission in progress check back later, or NOT ADMITTED, or CONGRATULATIONS.

Possible Outcomes When Checking University of Abuja Admission List

  • Case 1: CONGRATULATIONS: If you see congratulations on checking UNIABUJA admission status on JAMB CAPS portal then it means you have been offered admission. You can proceed to accept or reject the admission.
  • Case 2: Admission in progress: If you see “admission in progress” then there is not much you can do other than to wait and keep checking, the status could change in few days/weeks.
  • Case 3: Not Admitted: All hope is not lost yet, it could be that the University of Abuja admission list that is out at the you’re checking is not the batch that contains your name; so, keep checking as more batches could be on the way.

What to do after your name appears on UNIABUJA admission list

If your name is on the admission list released by University of Abuja, then accept our warm congratulations. Here are some things ahead that you may want to start planning for:

  • Acceptance fee: As soon as it becomes possible, pay UNIABUJA acceptance fee to secure your admission.
  • Print admission letter: Print your admission letters immediately both the one from JAMB and the one from University of Abuja (UNIABUJA) website.
  • Clearance: Prepare to do your clearance when it starts
  • School Fees: Pay your school fees fee, very important
  • Resumption: Happy resumption as a fresher and we wish you  all the best in your academics.

Other UNIABUJA Updates


Congrats to all the names on the list! This is a big step to your dreams. If you didn’t see your name, don’t lose hope. There may be other lists or future admissions. Keep checking the school website or admission portal for updates.

For those admitted, don’t forget to complete the next steps on time. These may include paying the acceptance fee, submitting the requirements, and registering for your subjects. Follow all the instructions from the school so you won’t miss the deadlines.

If unsure, call the admission office. Don’t follow rumors.

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